Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Free Flying Game

If you like Flight Sims, you'll love this game and it is completely free, it gose by the name of TargetWare

is all about enabling you, the player, to determine the kind of fligh sim experience you want. Targetware is...

Tools to Build "Your" Sim -- Targetware's entire system is designed to make it easy for enthusiasts to create their own content. From planes and terrain to flight models and scenario rules, the Targetware system is user-editable. Did we miss your favorite plane? You can create it, upload it and share it with your fellow players. Want to create an entirely new campaign set in South America, the Middle East or Antarctica? Play on other people's servers, or run your own, with your own rules. The tools are in your hands.

Community of Your Fellow Enthusiasts -- Communication with your fellow Targetware flyers is an integral part of Targetware, and not just in the game. Your Targetware account gets you into our BBS systems, lets you submit articles to our website, and lets you chat in real time with other players. You can form Squadrons, host flight nights, meet exciting new people and blow them out of the sky!

Just One Game, But a Whole Series -- When you sign up with Targetware, you get unlimited online access not only to our first, internally produced game, Target Korea, but also to all upcoming mods that use the Targetware engine, including Target Rabaul, set in the Pacific Theatre of World War 2, Target Tobruk, featuring the North African air battles of the same war, and Richthofen's Skies, with WWI aerial combat over France.


Anonymous said...

Freeware and abandonware are losing terrain, due to low price of some of the oldies and new games lauched.

But there is always blogs on the internet to satisfy your needs.

Thanks for the tip i always loved a great game... :)

You should probably check ...


Rob said...

Thanks for the tip. I'm always on the look out for freebies.